Item number:
- JUTE Scraps, short/long lengths, fibres, fragments, particles
- Textures Stash supply for use in various crafts - sculpture model building, rustic tassel making, rope wreath rings and hearts, doll's house rustic look embellishing, 'crazy' hair, mixed media rough textures, collage, rope tassels, wreath embellishments
- From old recycled, cleaned, marine jute rope
- Use as 'bits' or cut up into tiny fragments for adding to paper pulp, paint, collage, creating rough textures in mixed media art work
- Sheds tiny particles and small fragments when crushed, use on a tray or surface to collect the 'dusty bits', sprinkle into and over paper pulp when making textured handmade paper.
- SAFETY ADVICE - Use outside on a calm day to limit 'dusty bits' spreading in the wind, wear a face mask and googles if necessary. The jute is old and dry and will brake down into fragments and shed 'dust particles' readily (save the 'dusty bits' for adding textures).
- N.B. Wetting/soaking the rope first before using will limit the dust/fibres shedding to a degree
- Pack sizes approximately 150g minimum
- Contents of each pack similar with variations - each pack includes some long unravelled rope twisted lengths (50-100cms), some short bits of intact rope (8-20cms), fragments, plus the inevitable fibres and 'dusty bits'
- Also available in packs of short bits, fragments, fibres and particles for paper making, creating mixed media rough textures, rustic embellishments to art work, collage, model making, rustic textures in doll's house decorating