  • JUTE Scraps, short lengths, fibres, fragments, particles
  • Textures Stash supply for use in various crafts - sculpture model building, doll's house rustic look embellishing, 'crazy' hair, mixed media rough textures
  • Use the disintergrated rope fibres in paper making and creating rough textures in mixed media work
  • From old recycled, cleaned, marine jute rope
  • Use as 'bits' or cut up into tiny fragments for adding textures
  • Sheds particles and small fragments when crushed, use on a tray or surface to collect the tiny debris, sprinkle over paper pulp when making textured handmade paper.
  • SAFETY ADVICE - Use outside on a calm day to limit tiny particles spreading in the wind, wear a face mask and googles if necessary. The jute is old and dry and will brake down into fragments and shed 'dusty bits' readily (save the 'dusty bits' for adding textures).
  • N.B. Wetting/soaking the rope first (use hot water to speed up water uptake) before using will limit the dust/fibres shedding to a degree
  • Pack sizes approximately 50-60g minimum
  • Length x width - 20x18cms, depth 5-6cms approximately
  • Also available in short intact rope lengths and longer unravelled lengths for tassel making, mini jute wreath rings, embellishments on decorative items etc